The Parish Community of St. Kevin
Served by the Holy Cross Fathers |
303 Niagara Street |
Welland, Ontario L3C 1K5 |
905-735-5885 |
A Call to SERVE In Ministry
Every ministry in the parish is in need of assistance and new volunteers.
There are no talents or abilities so small that cannot be used in the service of God.
God has given you unique abilities and your abilities match your calling.
Some people think a calling is just for the clergy.
But every person is called by God. |
As followers of Jesus, we are called to "something more" --- to love and serve God and our neighbour. In a variety of ways, we as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, share our time, talent and treasure to build up the Church and make our world a better place. Only what we give away enriches us from day to day for not getting, but in giving, is found the lasting peace and joy.
Just check out your SHAPE ---- your Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences.
HOW will you use your unique SHAPE to fulfill your calling?
Our Current Ministries (with a short descriptions) are listed below categorized Worship, Outreach, Youth, Administration.
Worship - Liturgical
Choir: Singers and musicians who are integral part of the liturgy and worship at our Sunday and Holy day religious services.
Lectors: As key participants of the Holy Mass the readers proclaim the Liturgy of the Word (Old and New Testament) at each Sunday Mass and all the Holy Day religious services.
Eucharistic Ministers: These Ministers have the sacred responsibility for the distribution of Holy Communion at each Sunday Mass and all the Holy Day religious services.
Ushers: The ushers conduct a range of support activities during the Sunday and Holy Day services, including welcoming the parishioners, co-ordinating the collection and the Offertory gifts and ensuring the liturgy goes on without interruption.
Altar Servers: Children (above 12) and adults who assist the priest in the Mass. They carry the Cross, receive the gifts, manage the altar vessels through the course of the liturgy.
Children’s liturgy: Provide a Children’s liturgy once a week during the 10 AM Sunday Mass - to enable children to understand and pray the liturgy in a way that they can understand it.
Sacristan: Prepare the Church for Prayer and worship, in addition to assisting the celebrant in the Mass
Worship - Teachings
Holy Name Society: Men who are dedicated to organizing community events, prayer sessions and Catholic faith teachings to enhance the spirituality and communal spirit of the Parish.
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - A team of parishioners who assist in multi month process of conveying Catholic teachings/rituals to adults seeking to join the Catholic Faith.
Baptism Preparation A team that assists families to prepare for Baptism. This preparation includes relevant Catholic teachings and accountabilities of the parents and godparents.
St Mary of the Angels Fraternity: Organization that is engaged in living in accordance with St Francis & St Clare spirituality and disseminating those Charisms to their homes and community.
Social Justice: The Social Justice Committee helps the parish community grow in its understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and related issues at home and abroad.The annual Development & Peace education program and fund raising are key works of this committee.
Catholic Women’s League (CWL): The CWL supports the parish community by prayer, promoting the sanctity of life, and fund-raising events that build-up the parish community. It has deep roots in the parish since 1951.
St Vincent De Paul (SVDP): Parishioners who coordinate the charitable assistance program for the emergency needs (food, clothing etc ) of the less fortunate of this community.
Harvest Kitchen St. Kevin’s is part of a city-wide network that provides a hot meal to the needy. Harvest Kitchen supper is served once a week evenings from November to March. The volunteers are Notre Dame students, parishioners and non-parishioners..
Hospital Visitation: A group of parishioners who tend to the corporal/spiritual needs of the sick by visiting, praying, listening and conversing with them and bringing the Holy Eucharist.
Seniors Home Visitation: Volunteer ministers from St. Kevin’s give time and talent to serve the spiritual needs of the Catholic residents a local senior homes - by praying with them and bringing them the Eucharist.
Culture of Life: Brings Sanctity of life to the forefront of Parish life and society. Promotes actions and information that brings greater focus and awareness to the issue.
Youth and Family Ministry: The Ministry team works with Catholic schools, especially the Faith in Action Teams, and with parish families. Through the year there are youth ministry activities intended to bring youth closer to the parish community.
Other Administration:
Stewardship: The Stewardship Committee brings expertise to address the material needs of the church, the grounds, and the rectory. The committee has oversight on the annual revenue the parish generates and the expenses.
Pastoral Council: The Pastoral Council, composed of the priests of the parish and several parishioners, serves as both a review board and to an extent, a planning board, to provide valuable service in being able to articulate the sentiments of the parish and in being able to assist the parish in the living out the parish mission.
Responsible Faith Ministry: Requirement for screening of our volunteers, especially those who work in “at risk” ministries (eg: serving the young and vulnerable). Every parish in the diocese implements a ‘responsible faith ministry’ program.
Parish Office Staff: Coordination function to discharge many Ministry functions.