Liturgy Commitee Chair - Carol Comer
The Liturgy committee is responsible for the prayerful preparation, planning,
and reflection on how the parish community lives out the sacramental life
of the parish in our various liturgical celebrations. Appropriate liturgical
music, art, environmental enhancement, development of themes for liturgical
seasons, are some of its concerns. Representatives of various areas and
other interested parishioners are members.
Music Ministers
Parish Music Director - Stephanie Menicanin
Choir provides leadership and special music for worship at the 10:00
a.m. Mass on Sunday and for other parish liturgies and prayer services.
Cantors proclaim responsorial psalms and other acclamations
Instrumentalists accompany the Choir and congregation
Funeral Choir provides leadership for music at Funerals
Proclaim the Word of God and lead the Prayer of the Faithful at daily
and Sunday liturgies.
Eucharistic Ministry
Our Ministers of Communion present the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist at the daily and Sunday
liturgies to their fellow parishioners and Sunday Communion Services for
the homebound.The latter are called "Age and Grace" ministry.
Altar Servers Instructor
Youth assist the priest at all weekend Masses
Adult assist the priest at Funerals
Enhancement of the Worship Space
Banners and special decorations for seasons or feasts.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Coordinator: Laura Cronshaw
10:00 a.m. Mass reflection and special activities on the Sunday Scripture
...for young children 4-7.
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